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Fleas are not only a pain to deal with but they can cause flea-bite dermatitis and anemia and they can carry disease and parasites. Unfortunately, there are no safe pesticides to get rid of them, OTC flea treatment can be even more toxic than those prescribed. The Humane Society reported that over a period of five years a study was done, 1,600 pet deaths linked to flea treatment were reported, the information released states also that “some flea and tick products contain chemicals, specifically permethrins, that are ‘likely to be carcinogenic to humans.’” If you have small children in your home this can be of serious concern. Once my husband accidentally spilled a Frontline on out kitchen table and it completely stripped it to the bare wood!

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Sign your Dogs has Fleas


How do dogs get fleas?

Natural DOG Flea Prevention

Fortunately, there are many ways to fend off fleas naturally without the use of these highly toxic chemicals.

Dog Flea Vinegar Spray

  • 1 part apple cider vinegar (Get at
  • 1 part water
  • a small squirt of castille soap (get at
  • 4-6 drops of essential oils such as lavender or peppermint
  • Fleas hate the taste of vinegar.
  • Mix and pour in a spray bottle, spray your dog and work it with your hands, let dry.
  • You can use this just before your dog goes outside.

Dog Flea Lemon and Essential Oils spray

  • 6 lemons
  • 50 drops of the essential oil of your choice
  • 4 cups of water
  • Lemon, a natural flea repellent and another taste they don’t like.
  • Cut lemons into slices and bring them to boil in a pot with water, steep overnight.
  • Pour the strained liquid into a spray bottle, add the essential oil.
  • Try lavender and lemongrass but you can also use cedar, peppermint or any citrus oils.
  • You can spray the collar with this spray as well. Be careful to avoid face when spraying.

Dog Flea Rosemary Water

  • A bunch of fresh rosemary
  • 3 cups of water
  • Bring water to boil and add the rosemary sprigs.
  • Remove from heat, let it steep until cool.
  • Add to a gallon of water (a good use for an empty milk jug.)
  • Pour over your dog and let him air dry.

Dog Flea Oil Mix

  • 50 drops of the essential oil of your choice
  • 1 tsp of carrier oil like olive oil
  • Mix together and rub around your dog’s neck and base of the tail.
  • Essential oils can be dangerous in large quantities the essential oil must always be diluted and avoid places your dog can easily lick.

Nutritional Yeast

  • 1 tsp of nutritional yeast
  • Nutritional yeast is a wonderful thing I use it all the time in our food and it works great as a flea deterrent.
  • Sprinkle it over your dogs food at every meal.
  • Fleas can smell it and it’s not pleasant to them.
  • I buy my nutritional yeast from the bulk bins at Earth Fare.

Dog Flea Diatomaceous Earth

This is the only I haven’t personally tried but while making my research for this post I came across it and I think it is worth mentioning it. Diatomaceous earth is basically ground-up algae. It has microscopic razor-like edges lacerates the fleas when ingested causing them to dehydrate and die.

Be sure to use the food grade version–safe if consumed by pets and humans–the pool grade version is dangerous to humans and pets so you need to be cautious not inhale it when using it. This powder can be sprinkle over the yard once a month to prevent fleas from camping out on your yard. Diatomaceous earth can be found at your local farm supply store or online.

Dog Flea Diet and hygiene

It should go without saying that a healthy pet can fight off disease better than a dog with a weak immune system. Adding aids like nutritional yeast, flax seed oil, probiotics and digestive enzymes can boost their immune system resisting pests better on their own. A regular bath–please opt for a natural shampoo–can be the best prevention of them all.

It should go without saying that a healthy pet can fight off disease better than a dog with a weak immune system. Adding aids like nutritional yeast, flax seed oil, probiotics and digestive enzymes can boost their immune system resisting pests better on their own. A regular bath–please opt for a natural shampoo–can be the best prevention of them all.

Now take that pooch for a walk without worrying about those pesky little fleas trying to hitch a ride back!

*Do not use lavender oil on cats, it can be toxic for your feline friend.


The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

About the author

Naturally Mindful